When you buy Valerian root,
you're giving yourself a soothing solution that's highly respected by the scientific community and used by millions to combat everything from nervous restlessness to insomnia and anxiety. Its sedative effects are widely recognized. The root has been lauded for lowering blood pressure, improving stress management and decreasing menstrual cramps.
While many do not know its history, people buy Valerian root to get the same benefits. A study conducted in Sweden by the Foellinge Health Center demonstrated the root's significant impact on poor sleep. It was a double-blind study. Of the participants with sleeping problems who didn't know they were ingesting the root, 44 percent said they were sleeping through the night while almost 90 percent said they were resting better. In another study published in Phytomedicine, a study of children with sleep issues resulted in 81 percent of participants reporting improved rest patterns after drinking tea featuring Valerian and lemon balm. Better yet, neither study showed unwanted side effects. |
Valerian root's history as a medicinal herb goes back to ancient Rome and Greece. It's said you can find descriptions of it in the works of Hippocrates. The Galens used it as an element for battling insomnia. Medieval Swedens had a tradition of putting the root in the clothes of groomsmen to ward off jealous elves. Native Americans used the root for medicinal and harmonic purposes. They drank it in order to better appreciate the sounds of the birds and nature, and to generally ease their psyches. They would wrap themselves in robes by a fire to eat, converse and drink beverages with Valerian root. The Valerian root is believed to promote sedation by increasing the brain's GABA levels. An inhibitory neurotransmitter, GABA promotes sedation. It is believed the Valerian root helps release GABA from brain nerve endings. It is then blocked, preventing the inhibitory neurotransmitters from going back into the nerve cells. If you're going to buy Valerian root, note how it's combined with other relaxing herbs to intensify a soothing and relaxing experience. There are formulations that combine the benefits of the root as well natural flavors like peppermint, scullcap, strawberry leaf, chamomile, catnip, and orange and licorice roots. These are noted components that will help you start the day and help you unwind at the end of it. If you suffer from insomnia or need a safe and effective way to calm yourself during stressful times, buy Valerian root. Try out Teepee Dreams with valerian by clicking here.
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